About Me

Hi there, welcome (;

For those who are unaware, the word "Mat" is a stereotype applied to a certain group of young Malay men. In the Malay community, the word "Mat" is often used to describe a delinquent a.k.a the "bad boy". It is some sort of an equivalent to the word "Chav" and "Redneck". Beyond the community, it is mostly used to describe a young Malay man.

This blog would cover some random finance-related rants/nagging, personal finance for youths and students, ownership of motorcycle and probably some investing. I'm a newbie investor, still in the process of learning on what works for me.

A not-so-little introduction, I am a Singaporean, 21 years of age and currently pursuing a diploma in one of the five polytechnics. I have yet to serve my National Service as I was previously "finding myself".

Prior to that, I was a struggling student in the express stream of my secondary school. Having an E8 grade for my E-Maths subject, I was considered to have failed my O-level. Pressured by my parents and teachers, I agreed to repeat school for another year. However, I found myself walking into the principal's office shortly after, about a month of schooling, telling the man that I was leaving(wasn't asking for permission, lol). So technically, I am a school drop-out. 

Shortly after, secured myself a place in the ITE. It was a rather reluctant choice to be there as I landed in a course which happened to be my last choice(6th). Even so, I basically "found myself" during my ITE days. I was blessed to have a very motivating and inspiring class advisor(form teacher) who believed in his students.

To cut things short, I heeded his advice and scoldings over the two years and applied them to my life. Not only that, I also took ownership of my learning and education and it has given me the chance to obtain a diploma and even more knowledge along the way. 

Lastly, feel free to contact me via thefrugalmat@gmail.com if you wish to do so. 

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